The basis for the data management system DAYDABASE was laid 2005 with the first steps of development of the data management system XtalBase.
First of all XtalBase was a system used to organize crystallisation and crystallographic data. With time other functions were implemented with the aim to simplify the daily lab work. Data structures for chemicals (properties, availability, ordering information), solutions (instructions for preparation, availability), molecular biology data (genes, vectors, plasmids, enzymes), and protein purification (methods, enzyme assays, gels, numerical data handling) were developed. The system was described in:
In the year 2008 the system was extended such that even data of a practical lab course with more than 200 students and tens of participating supervisors could be organized. Thereby the extraordinary versatility of the system could be proven.
In the year 2013 a new company, DAYDA.NET, was founded by Winfried Meining with the aim, to further develop and extend the data management system XTALBASE and to distribute it on a commercial basis. To emphasize the extension of possibilities and areas of applications XTALBASE was renamed to DAYDABASE.
In the year 2014 new functions were added, which concentrate on the organisation of the research, among them an equipment booking system, an ordering system, the possibility to send messages and to administrate them, a notes function, and an event planner. The most recent extension is the possibility, to automatically search literature in a public literature data base and to deposit hits in a internal publication data base. Further extensions (e.g. whiteboard, surveys) are planned.